Hi all:  This came through my e-mail, but since we have so many gardening and plant-friendly types, I thought I'd share the best of it. (See below)

Start by preparing your indoor space.  Move furniture to make space nearest the window. Many plants will prefer a gradual adjustment to light and climate, by placing plants directly in bright sunny windows (preferably south or west light) they will slowly adjust to less sun.  This gradual adjustment will help you minimize "shock" where plants will drop their leaves, usually green or brown, due to limited light.  Make sure to wash the windows around the plants to get the best UV rays.
Prepare your plants for inside life by inspecting them for pests.  Look at the foliage--top as well as underneath.  Inspect the bark or stems for any unusual insects or bumps.  Treat the foliage surface, as well as underneath with lukewarm soapy water.  Spray your plants with a water bottle, rinse and repeat.  Thoroughly inspect your soil as most pests will reside below the surface. Pull your plant from its pot and examine the root ball. Look for small spiders, aphids and/or their eggs.  Treat your plant with a systemic insecticide which will permeate the soil as well as protect the stems and foliage as your plant absorbs moisture. Isolate your plants until you are certain all pests have been removed.  I prefer to treat more than once to be certain that the plants are healthy and free of pests.  In addition, we have found that using a large garbage bag (especially a clear bag) is the most effective way to isolate plants.
Now is the time to prune your plants! If they have grown leggy or wild trim back foliage, as well as the root system. You will want to cut equal amounts from the top and bottom of your plant, reducing the root system will insure that your plants do not drink too much water for the foliage above.  Now is also a great time to take clippings from those annuals that you cannot live without! Many varieties, like geranium and coleus will root easily from a small clipping.  Before you transplant, make certain that your containers and soil are clean and sterilized.  Most indoor soils have been radiated for sterilization.  Soils stored outside are not as reliable.
Do not overwater!!  This is the biggest mistake and number one killer of houseplants.  As young plants adjust to their new surroundings they may be confused or sad, do not try to compensate by drowning it!  Less light, cloudy and rainy days, and new containers with fresh soil can reduce the need for water.  Remember outdoor climates are also affected by evaporation due to wind and lack of rain. 
By following these few tips you will ensure your plants will thrive in their new winter home!   If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact a professional for advice.  A great resource for plant and garden advice is www.extension.umn.edu

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