What are your plans for Earth Day in your area? We ask that you "bloom where you are planted" in April, on behalf of GINI and to spread our support of local, regional, and state level actions to better steward our Earth, to benefit humanity now and into the future.
Please post a reply with your Earth Day (Earth Week) activities, so that we can learn the scope of what's going on, but also so that we might choose to visit something new, share in the enthusiasm, and take new ideas back to our own networks.
Below is a list of events sent by Kathleen Moore at ETSU:
1. Lecture by Erin Savage from Appalachian Voices - April 3 at 7 pm. This event is sponsored by ECO. Discussions about mountaintop removal and its effects on waterways.
2. Dirty Energy Road Show Lecture by Eric Blevins. April 9 at 7 pm. Topic: Nuclear & Coal Energy Production. An ECO event.
3. Tentative showing of Kilowatt Hours movie with panel on energy conservation. April 15 at 7 pm.
4. Film & Webinar - The Island President, a movie about climate change April 17 at 7 pm.
5. Film - Climate of Doubt, April 18 at 7 pm.
6. Earth Day celebration - April 22 from 10 – 2 pm. (Tabling in front of the Sherrod Library.)
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