We invite you to meet online to discuss the fiction novel “Flight Behavior” by Barbara Kingsolver Thursday 2/28/13 at 3:30 MT/4:30 CT/5:30 ET. “Flight Behavior” is set in rural Tennessee, where a woman’s narrow life is burst wide open by the consequences of an unusual migration of monarch butterflies to her town. We will be joined on this webinar by special guest Dr. Karen Oberhauser, monarch butterfly researcher and Barbara Kingsolver’s science source for Flight Behavior.
Read Bookclubber Kristen Poppleton’s recent review of the book on her blog: http://willstegerfoundation.org/climate-lessons-blog/item/1685-book...
To access the webinar go to:
You may use a headset with your computer to access the audio or call +18778659544 .
This is an informal discussion of how the book works as fiction, how the science is treated and how the book may be used in climate literacy efforts.
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